We welcome you to our community.
We welcome you to our community.
We are glad you are here. Join us as we worship God and love our neighbors. Those who are mobility challenged are welcome to remain seated while others stand.
Everyone is welcome to join us for coffee fellowship after service. To learn more about our ministries, visit our website at www.blfirstlutheran.org or grab a copy of our newsletter at the Kiosk near the entryway.
If you are visiting, introduce yourself to Pastor Lynn – she would love to meet you!
Sunday September 29th
9:00 am Eggo & Chosen
10:00 am Worship
11:00 am Annual Meeting
Potluck following annual Meeting
Monday, September 30th
9:00 am Quilters
3:30 pm to 7:00 pm Fly
Tuesday, October 1st
1:00 pm WELCA Study Leaders
2:00 pm Song Select
3:00 pm Worship and Music
Wednesday, October 2nd
3:15 pm WAFL
5:00 pm Bell Choir Practice
5:30 pm Confirmation
7:30 pm NA @ Sr. Ctr.
Thursday, October 3rd
8:00 am TOPS
8:30 am Men’s Fellowship
9:00 am Pastor Conference with Scam Forum
Friday, October 4th
8:00 pm AA & Al-Anon @ Sr. Ctr.
Saturday, October 5th
9:00 am Cemetery Clean-up
2 Full Immersion Baptisms
Sunday, October 6th
9:00 am EGGO
9:00 am Chosen
10:00 am Worship with Communion
11:00 am Fellowship
2:00 pm Blessing of the animals
The next Potluck is Sunday, October 27th. Also new member Sunday. Let the office or Pastor Lynn know if interested in joining. All are welcome!
Attendance for Sunday, September 22—83 Facebook and Youtube——340
Events Upcoming
TODAY—September 29th—Annual Meeting—We need you to attend!
October 5th—Cemetery Clean up—9:00 am
October 5th—Fall Bazaar-Grace Lutheran in Brandon —9 am to 1 pm
October 6th—Blessing of the Animals—2:00 pm
October 12th— Fall Festival— 9 am to 1:30 pm
October 16th-17th—Sand Bay Park Playground Equipment Set up
October 19th—Fall Women’s Retreat — 9 am —2 pm
October 19th—2 or More Fellowship—Corn Maze at Otter Berry 7—10 pm
October 20th—Distracted Driving—11:15 am
October 20th—Fly—MN Vikings & Flag Football— 12 pm to 4 pm
October 29th—Crafts with Stephanie—6:30 pm—sign up in office
October 31st—Revelation Bible Study—1:00 pm
November 16th— 2 or More Fellowship—Movie Night— God’s Not Dead— 6 pm to 9 pm
We are the church that shares a living, daring confidence in God's grace. Liberated by our faith, we embrace you as a whole person--questions, complexities and all. Join us as we do God's work in Christ's name for the life of the world.
The community is volunteer driven. There are many opportunities to share your talents with others within our walls, our community and beyond. Here our volunteers are helping the WAFL kids tie blankets for the needy!
We are a Lutheran church community located in Battle Lake Minnesota for anyone who wants to investigate the claims of Jesus or who wants to know and serve him better. Whether you are living, visiting, or working in the area, we look forward to welcoming you in person to First Lutheran Church in Battle Lake. This is our community Christmas Eve Candlelight service.
Just to let all know that we have many ways for simply giving. This is one of the newest ones available to us. Check it out to see if that is something that works for you.
Welcome to our community of faith! We are honored to have you as our guest. We are also excited about how our stories of faith continue to be written and woven into the greater story of the Word made flesh, Jesus Christ.
We invite you to join your story with ours as we walk together through the chapters of life in Christ,
"Bringing the hopes we share in Christ to others".
Sign up to hear what is happening at First Lutheran.
Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Please contact us through email: office @BLFirstLutheran.org or call 218-864-5686