Quilts made and disbursed 2022-2023
Sold 2
Food Shelf 20
Someplace Safe 10
Prom 2
Nursing Home 1
Churches United, Moorhead 20
Graduates 2
Lutheran World Relief 24
On Reserve 7
For Sale in Bee Hive 3
Total 91
A big shout-out thank you to the counselors from Luther Crest that spent the week here with our kids for Day Camp. The quietness was gone for sure but the kids had a great time learning new songs and acting out the bible stores.
Our little library is a gift to the children who live near or visit Battle Lake, a resort community. It only contains kids' books and will at times include card games or board games. Its purpose is the same as any library: to encourage reading! It was built by members of our church and decorated by 5th and 6th graders in our WAFL program. (Wednesdays at First Lutheran). Come and check it out. If you want to donate to this, please feel free.
Wednesday At First Lutheran
We welcome children Pre-K through 6th grade to come and join us for our Wednesday after-school Program.
We promote Faith Formation through music, Bible lessons, fun activities & fellowship.
After school snack is provided.
WAFL Students also participate in monthly service project that ranges from local charities to global missions. This month we filled bags with toiletries and socks and had blankets donated to go to the homeless shelters and we also raised money with our noisy offering to go to a "Water Work" project to help other countries to get clean water that has not been available to them before.
First Lutheran Men’s Fellowship meets at 8:30 AM on the first Thursday of the month at the Lake Cafe. Battle Lake. Men of the congregation are invited for fellowship and Bible Study. The Men’s Fellowship supports several projects: Food Shelf, Lutheran Social Service, Ronald McDonald House, also helping work on homes for Habitat for Humanityand the Salvation Army. The men serve an annual breakfast, collect aluminum cans, and participate in area functions: Such as our annual Brat Stand at the Arts in The Park Day.
WELCA stands for Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Our WELCA hosted the Conference 7 Spring get together. There was a great attendance with guest speakers and a very nice meal. Our main speakers showed a lot of the things that they are working with in countries in Africa to help in teaching people the different things to be able to do many more things themselves. Our WELCA group is also putting together layette sets and quilts to go to Lutheran World Relief to help many others in need.
The council governs the activities of the church. It's made up of volunteers including a president, treasurer and secretary. Each board member also is involved in the leadership of the other mentioned Ministries.
One of the many projects the Outreach committee works on is the cleaning up of Sand Bay Park and beach. Lots of cleanup the year with the storms and all did a great job.
We also have a pork feed during the year for the community and this year we also hosted the Habitat for Humanity Bike run as a rest and refresh area for the bikers.
Activities at First Lutheran Church in Battle Lake could not be possible without volunteer opportunities. We have many committees who help with specific needs. Some of these include:
Altar Guild
Faith Formation
Worship & Music
Our church has been host to many different activities. We just had a Kristy's Succulent Creations. As you can see the young people enjoyed it also. Thanks Kristy!
Part of the music in our congregation is provided as special music by the bell choir. Anyone interested in joining this or any other aspect of the worship and music are always welcome.
Our church has been host to many different activities. Just this week we hosted a produce giveaway. Fruits and veggies for the community and 9 pallets of watermelon for all to enjoy for the 4th of July. Thank you from eveybody.
Anyone interested in joining this or any other aspect of the worship and music are always welcome.